There could be a significant First Amendment case brewing in New York after the School of Education at the State University [ + ]

There could be a significant First Amendment case brewing in New York after the School of Education at the State University [ + ]
A weird thing happened right after the Nov. 3 election: nothing. The nation was braced for chaos. Liberal groups had [ + ]
“US intelligence shows that China has conducted human testing on members of the People’s Liberation Army in hope of developing [ + ]
Andrew Kaufman, MD, interviewed by Del Bigtree, delivers an excellent short course on the risks of Covid tests and vaccines. [ + ]
Spearheaded by the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the Artemis Accords were signed in October by eight countries. [ + ]
BBC show tells children as young as nine there are over 100 gender identities. The film also tells children that [ + ]
The video doorbell company Ring is taking some heat after it revealed that authorities can keep homeowners’ videos forever and share them [ + ]
Despite previous government denials that there are any plans to roll out COVID vaccine passports, reports have confirmed that every [ + ]
A coalition of big tech companies, including Microsoft is developing a COVID passport, with the expectation that a digital document linked [ + ]
Venice is watching you, wherever you walk. They know exactly where you pause when you slow down and speed up, [ + ]