Why was the Election Rigged

US Voter Fraud

This entire mail-in ballot was orchestrated using a fake pandemic, to begin with.

This was a very strategic plot and it has been carried out with masterful execution. You voted for Biden thinking this was just a normal election. I dare to say, you will get what you deserve.

The Supreme Court recently noted, “[e]xtending the date by which ballots may be cast by voters [until] after the scheduled election day fundamentally alters the nature of the election.” Republican Nat’l Comm. v. Democratic Nat’l Comm., 140 S. Ct. 1205, 1207 (2020).

If you count the legal votes, Trump won. If you count the illegal and late votes, you boy Biden wins.

I have studied corrupt elections throughout history. The reason we have the Julian Calendar and not the calendar based on the Moon, was because during the Roman Republic the decision to insert the leap days to adjust the Moon Calendar to that of the Sun Calendar was the discretion of the high priest. Whenever there were controversy and the politicians did not want to confront it, the high priest was bribed to insert extra days and even months. It got to the point that what was summer became winter. Julius Caesar took the office of Pontiff Maximus (high priest) so he could end the corruption and created a calendar to end the corruption. It was Caesar who created standardized leap years.

The 2020 American election will rank in history as the MOST corrupt election in modern history. The ramifications will ripple through in time for decades to come. This is a battle of Communism over Freedom. Thank God I am not 18. If you voted for Biden, you voted to put your children and grandchildren into economic slavery. You probably will not believe that because your arrogance will prevent you from ever admitting a mistake. That is the mark of a fool.

Armstrong explains, “The computer doesn’t ask my opinion, or anybody else’s, it just goes on the numbers from the economic data.  It’s never been wrong…”

“Besides 2016 (predicted Trump win) and for this one, it said it would be the most corrupt election in American history.  I published this out at least two years ago.  People have to understand, this isn’t my opinion.  This has gone far beyond anything I would have anticipated.  Every election you have had dead people voting.  That’s pretty standard, and that’s not something new. . . . This is just off the charts.  This is the Left, and they are so desperate to take over the United States.”

If the cheating is “off the charts,” then how bad was it in terms of fraudulent votes, including votes taken from President Trump and votes given to Joe Biden?  Armstrong contends,

“The cheating is in the millions, definitely millions, and perhaps as much as 38 million.  This is some of the information I am getting from behind the curtain.”

Martin Armstrong also warns, “They (Democrats/communists) want to eliminate the Supreme Court—period.  This is outrageous what they are doing…”

”  That’s why I have said this is not a simple election between Republican and Democrat.  This is something much more sinister. . . . You will own nothing, and you will be happy.  Their idea is to strip everybody of all property—period.  That’s communism.  Then you are going to give guaranteed basic income.  If you don’t do what the government tells you to do, like get a vaccine or whatever, then, oh, your guaranteed basic income will be suspended.  Then how are you going to eat?  This is what they are doing. . . . In communism, they take all assets away from everybody.”

Armstrong also says, “They are using CV19 and climate change to set an agenda for control.”

In closing, Armstrong says, “We are getting into a situation where it is a war against us...”

”  I hope Trump wins because . . . he’s our last defense against some of these people, and that’s why they have been trying to steal this election. . . . They are promoting this great reset–and it’s communism.  These people think this is good for the climate, but they are going to find out they are selling out, not just themselves, but their families and all posterity.”

Join Greg Hunter of USAWatchdog.com as he goes One-on-One in this in-depth interview (40 mins. in length) with Martin Armstrong of ArmstrongEconomics.com.

Armstron Economics