Credit card companies are tracking shoppers like never before. In the battle between data brokers and privacy advocates, the latest [ + ]
Venezuela’s gold vaults empty amidst the oil crash
With cash levels dwindling and its once mighty oil sector on its knees and needing help desperately,’s Tsvetana Paraskova reports that Nicolas [ + ]
March PMIs presage a precipitous recession in America and Europe
First, people stopped traveling; then they gave up eating out. Now, all over the world, governments are telling them to [ + ]
Economies can rebound quickly from massive GDP slumps?
It will be some time—years most likely—before the full extent of the economic blow from COVID-19 can be estimated with [ + ]
Control of the coronavirus gives China the world’s best-performing stockmarket
The Start of February seems an eternity ago. Then, almost all concern about the coronavirus outbreak was focused on China, [ + ]
Artificial Intelligence and the Rule of War
His delicate, almost floating touches created a hitherto unseen aesthetic perfection: the enigmatic face the Mona Lisa. The mysterious woman, [ + ]
Google Search Activity Shows The US Is Entering A Depression
A record 6.6 million people applied for unemployment benefits this week as the coronavirus crisis forced the biggest number of [ + ]
The Shadow War Playing Out Behind The COVID-19 Crisis
The rush to what is essentially a new wartime footing began consciously and urgently in the first quarter of 2020 [ + ]