An investigation by The Markup found Meta’s pixel tracking students from kindergarten to college Picture a high school student who [ + ]

An investigation by The Markup found Meta’s pixel tracking students from kindergarten to college Picture a high school student who [ + ]
Travels must have real choice and both companies and government agencies should face penalties if they coerce travelers to give [ + ]
Your car is definitely listening to you and recording your moves—but what is it doing with this information? Modern cars [ + ]
A popular free VPN app downloaded hundreds of millions of times on iOS and Android has suffered another data leak [ + ]
Concerns are only growing, says report Younger consumers are more likely to exercise Data Subject Access Rights, according to a [ + ]
Police were investigating his neighbor. A judge gave officers access to all his security-camera footage, including inside his home. The [ + ]
WIRED spoke with several experts about the explosion of surveillance technology, how police use it, and what the dangers might [ + ]
Astro te mira con sus grandes ojos circulares. Pestañea, guiña, los abre y los cierra un poco, y hace ruiditos mientras [ + ]
En abril la Comisión Europea presentó un proyecto de reglamento sobre inteligencia artificial con el pretexto de proponer “un marco [ + ]
Pegasus es el programa de espionaje más potente jamás desarrollado, asegura The Guardian. Puede convertir un móvil en un dispositivo [ + ]